Starting A New Chapter - Preschool!


When my son Ryan was two and half we started him in preschool mostly because my husband Dan and I worked full time. Though after just a few months we noticed he was learning so much! Not just school stuff like ABC’s, Numbers etc. but also how to be social, share and his personality really started to shine. I think once he was around others his age he began to truly understand himself; his likes/dislikes, how he likes to play with others and most importantly how to react to certain situations that being in school offers. Our kids for the most part are only around adults so putting them in preschool around two and half seemed like a natural fit for us. Anyways, Ryan attending preschool was such a highlight for our family. Not to mention the sweet holiday performances and heartfelt artwork. It just really was such a special time to watch him grow. I mean as a mother we tend to always want our children to stay babies, but that feeling we get when we see them learn and grasp new things is quite exciting! I love that proud feeling and feel so honored to watch my kids growth from the front row! More on the school artwork, we have a few of our favorite art pieces by Ryan framed and hung on our walls. I love thinking about his tiny hands hard at work creating something for myself or Dan. I even wonder if he knew about his future and his little sister? Some of my favorites include; a feathered bird, an octopus made out of his handprint and a little basket filled with tissue paper flowers ... all of those are hung in Mila’s room. I like to think he made those for his little sister. Just a few little gifts he made for her knowing you know, I don't know actually. But I think my kids are tied together so strongly by a bond not visible to the naked eye. I feel as though, in order to see their bond you have to believe its there. 

You know, finding a preschool can be very stressful. At least here in Los Angeles parents start finding and applying to schools for their children sometimes when they are still pregnant! Both Dan and I knew that once Mila hit that two and half mark we’d put her in preschool. Just like we did for her big brother. It was what we knew and had such a great experience with it. So while starting school in May seems a bit off, it worked out that way for us. Sort of like if the school you want has a spot, put them in! Before we knew it, Mila started preschool this week! 

As a mother of two it’s only natural to compare your different experiences with each child. When the topic of preschool for Mila came up, both Dan and I said “hopefully she’ll transition easier than Ryan.” Ryan, poor thing, had zero interest in preschool at first and made himself sick every morning when we dropped him off. It took about two weeks for him to start enjoying preschool. But during those two weeks I just thought I was making a mistake or maybe something was wrong with the school? It was a long two weeks until Ryan started to get excited for school and felt comfortable being away from home and his parents. So the night before Mila started I was so nervous! Mostly you guys because I can't stand throw up and I was so afraid she'd follow in her big brothers footsteps! haha!

This week when Mila had her first day I was preparing myself for a melt down or worse. We had been talking about preschool with Mila for a while. We read books and visited the school a few times to help Mila understand what we were talking about. Come her first day Mila was all smiles and walked into her class with no problem! No tears, no nothing! Not even a hug for me haha! On her second day it was the same thing and she was so excited to “go to cool” that she didn’t even want to sit and eat breakfast. Which says a lot because she loves to eat! During the day she only has trouble at nap time. Her teacher says she cries a little and asks for Mama. Which I think it is because she is used to being swaddled and taking a nap in my lap. (I know it was a terrible habit to get ourselves in) Anyways, it’s early still so I’m sure we have some learning curves coming up. 

I’m so proud of Mila so far though, my little preschool girl! 

You know, when our kids start school or venture out away from us for anything, it’s always harder for us! The parents. Even my husband says he missed her being at home while he was work. Which I didn’t understand. But he said “I like when she home with you or I. Now she is somewhere else with out us.” When I dropped her off I sat and cried in my car. Terrified to leave her alone. That feeling of loss crept in and negative thoughts. Those nasty 'What If' ideas pop up and then I think OH MY GOD MY BABY IS IN THERE AND I'M ABOUT TO LEAVE HER! To try and help myself, I scheduled a bunch of stuff to keep me busy while Mila was at school. You know, to try and keep my mind off worrying. I kept talking to Ryan in Heaven telling him he better keep an eye on his sister. I mean it’s only two days a week, but still it’s a big deal for us and our little family. Also, her first piece of artwork was something for Mother's Day. Her tracing the letters of her name blew me away, I didn't even know she could do that!

I wanted to share this big time milestone here and I’ll be sure to keep you posted on everything that follows. Thank you all for the well wishes and high fives! When did your little one start school? 
