Parmesan Peas


Annnnnnnnd I am back! The past couple of weeks have been insane to say the least. I was busy planning, decorating and baking for my son's 1st birthday (pirate post soon) AND baking 350+ cupcakes for Cupcake Camp OC (recap post soon). Even though I want to just sleep for 3 days straight, I am getting my butt into gear and planning more fun dessert orders. Plus, I'll be keeping up with the blog....better than I have been.

With that said....

Welcome back to 'Delish Monday'! Every Monday I share a delish EASY recipe that you can serve to both your family and baby! I am huge fan of making your own baby food and I want to help those mommas who think they can't whip up yummies. Check out my 'Baby Boy Food' page for my past recipes to help get you started! Don't forget to leave me some love and let me know how it turned out! If you have any ideas or want to add something I would LOVE to hear from you!

Parmesan Peas


1 lb of organic fresh peas

2 tbs of organic butter

1/4 cup of organic whole milk

2 healthy hand fulls of Parmesan cheese (grated any way you like)

1tbs oregano

a few pinches of salt


`Start a pot of boiling salted water

`Take your peas out of the pods (have your kids help you) - Rinse the peas then put them in the pot until tender but still have a bite to them

`Strain the peas and then put them back into the pot

`Add butter and milk and stir till it is all melted and coating the peas evenly

`Add the Parmesan and oregano and still under mixed well

`Serve hot!

Trust me the salty bite from the Parmesan with the sweet peas is a combination worth trying! YUM

**For babies...just blend the peas to their eating stage and enjoy!

Have a good Monday loves!
