Pancakes with Vanilla Yogurt Topping

Good Morning Monday loves! This Delish Monday I bring you pancakes with a creamy twist.

Oh My Yum! It is filling, sweet and such a treat...

Over here at mi casa we LOVE pancakes and I have to honest I have an obsession with making them from scratch and creating new ways to devour them. Now, my favorite way to enjoy pancakes is with extra butter, extra syrup and extra bacon! However, we can't eat that everyday! Darn!

So today I bring you a creamy, EASY topping.....Vanilla Flavored Yogurt. You can certainly just top your pancakes with any yogurt, but we love vanilla. I buy a large container of plain yogurt so we can flavor it how we choose through out the week. But we {and by we I mean my son and I} have found topping our pancakes with creamy yogurt is a healthy alternative to syrup! I hope you try it and love it!

Vanilla Flavored Yogurt

`Mix 1 cup of plain yogurt or Greek yogurt with 1tsp of vanilla flavor

`Here are some other flavors we love; banana & mango, strawberry & blueberry. Just slice the fruit and mix in the yogurt! One of my favorite snacks.

The Perfect Pancakes

Ingredients`1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour

`3 teaspoons of baking powder

`1 tablespoon sugar

`pinch of salt

`1 1/4 cup of whole milk

`1 egg

`3 tablespoons melted butter (most important part)

Directions`whisk ingredients together until smooth

`heat a skillet and melt some butter on it

`pour about 1/4 cup of batter on to the skillet...

`once the pancake is bubbling it is ready to flip!

`Important Step: once you have flipped the pancake add a pad of butter to the top so it melts onto the pancake.

What is your favorite thing to top pancakes with?!?!
