Peanut Butter Cups + Ramblings


You guys! Come gather around me 'cause I have the most amazing thing ever to show you...and it will rock your socks right off. Not joking.

I saw these pups on Instagram a while back and begged for the recipe...when really you don't need one. Anyone who is anyone can make these in their sleep and I suggest you start tonight. (Thank you to my love Heather for giving me the idea...My thighs are heavier, but my stomach and heart are happy!)

What You Need

`Organic Chocolate chips

`Organic Peanut butter

`Mini cupcake pan and liners


`Melt the chocolate

`Spread the chocolate around the mini cupcake liners

`Put in the freezer until hard

`Now put the peanut butter in the center. I tried to jam as much peanut butter as I could in these suckas!

`Put in the freezer until hard

`Top them with melted chocolate

`Put in the freezer until hard

`Once they them up while watching girly movies and drinking wine.

Seriously?! Why haven't I been making these?


In other news;

`We are finally settled in our house! Minus that one extra bedroom, which we are currently using as a 'Things That Don't Fit Anywhere' room. It looks like a museum of old dorm room furnishings, old soccer jerseys and outgrown baby toys. Holla at me if you want a ticket to see our old life squished into one room. It's a sight.

`Ryan is two...and by NO means ready for potty training. Right now he screams "I POOPED" when clearly hasn't...then when he has pooped he denies it. Not sure what that is about. However, to me it screams "Wait on the pull-ups" Really though, when was your kiddo ready for potty training?

`Lastly, since I sat down to right up this post I've eaten 4 peanut butter cups. With that said I'm signing off to go for a run or fall asleep...which ever happens first.
