How We Cope With Our Monday Blues


Most Mondays are a snooze fest for us. If I'm being honest, Mondays are (in my opinion) the worst day. It is when our weekend fun dust settles, our Honey Boo Boo leaves for work and we are forced to start the week with a bang. Like I said, if I'm going to be honest with you guys our Mondays usually are duds.

We wake up late (oops), drag all morning and eats pancakes to take the Monday edge off. Then we head to the park, where we stay all afternoon (in hopes of wearing my toddler down for a mega million nap!)

How are you Mondays? I bet more productive than ours...Trust me, we will make up for it on Tuesday.

Aside from Monday being our version of Debbie Downer, the park actually is where my son and I act like giant crazies and have fun. By the time my son and I head home after a park session, I am so sweaty and tired I need a nap and a glass of wine!

If you see a loud mom making monster noises and racing her son across the swinging bridge...that would be us! Come say hi, we can talk about how happy I am that it isn't Monday anymore!
