A Momma Interview
As a momma you know things change daily! I filled in this Momma Interview from my favorite magazine last year and I thought it would be fun to do it again....just to see if anything has changed. Also, to see what has stayed the same. If you want, take the same interview! I would love to learn more about you and your momma-style!
Hope you guys have a great Thursday!
`Describe your parenting style in one word.--- Flexible
`What is your favorite TV family?--- Ross and Monica from Friends
`What is always in your refrigerator?--- Organic Vanilla Yogurt and Ginger Ale
`Last meal you made for your family?--- Homemade Sausage and Bell Pepper Pizza
`Finish this sentence: "I almost died when my child..."--- When Ryan went digging through a strangers purse!
`Craziest thing you've ever done while sleep-deprived.--- We aren't sleep deprived! We love to sleep!
`If you wrote a parenting manual, what would the title be?--- "Go With The Flow!"
`Last lost toy/object you helped your child find?--- His Buzz Lightyear tooth brush he stuck in the heater vent.
`Kids' TV show you love.--- ELMO!
`Guilty Pleasure.--- American Idol and Midnight Popcorn!
`Favorite Place on Earth.--- Snuggled in Dan's arms
`Best parenting advice you ever got?--- Take your baby everywhere!
`First words that pop into your head when you hear the word "Mom".--- Mom? When did I become a Mom?!