Dear Summer, We Are Ready You!


This past weekend was a favorite. We celebrated my grandpa's 98th birthday and enjoyed playing poolside with the family. I love seeing my family together laughing and having a good time. Summer can't come soon enough!!

FUN POOL GAME -- Toothpick

`Get one toothpick

`Have everyone get out of the pool

`Have one person dive with the toothpick and take it down as far as they can. Then get out of the pool.

`Now everyone is looking to spot the toothpick

`Once someone spots the toothpick, they yell 'TOOTHPICK' and jump in to grab it

`Who ever finds it wins....

This simple {and lets face it lame game} kept the boys in our family busy for a good hour!! It did make for some seriously good laughs though!

And for all you ladies out there....TARGET is where you need to get your swim suit! Mostly because they are affordable. I love the mix and match section too. The past couple of summers I have been stuck with black bathing suits. I know neon is really popular right now, but I thought green & strips were fun too! Where do you go to get your summer suit?!
