Inside Bluum


I always get excited when our Bluum box shows up each month. Now Ryan gets excited too, because he knows its mostly for him and some sort of fun snack waits for him inside. I have partnered up with the super fab company Bluum, I'm so honored to be a Bluum momma and share their wonderful concept and benefits with you all. If you aren't familiar, Bluum is an amazing company focused on sharing various mom and baby brand name products. Each month mom's receive a 'Bluum Box' filled with large product samples so mom and baby can test drive them before buying.

Take a peek inside this months box...


{Ella's Kitchen Baby Snacks, Palmer's Cocoa Oil Spray, Green Babies Tearless Shampoo, SuperGoop Sunblock Wipes, My Dentist Tooth Tissues.}

This month rocks because it came stuffed with things that make our life as a momma easier. uhhh Whoever invented sunblock wipes deserves a big fat kiss on the mouth. Just sayin. Alongside the gift of brilliant sunblock wipes came shampoos, cocoa oil spray, snacks and tooth cleaning wipes. Ya, wipes are awesome. If only someone could invent a tantrum wipe. Clean those bad boys right up....

Any who, the best benefit of receiving a Bluum box is getting to test out products I wouldn't normally buy, but have wanted to. After testing it, if you like it you can buy it. You can search your local stores or just purchase it right from the Bluum website. Its so simple its ridiculous.

A few fun facts

`Each month has a theme with matching products.

`Each box comes with a full sized product.

`Most products sent out are all natural and or organic.

`It's affordable.

`They make great gifts for expecting mommas.

Monthly subscriptions start at 11$. Visit the Bluum website for more info.

Tell them this redhead sent you...
