Keeping It Real & Random


Today I am thinking about a ton of things. Last night my mind raced around different topics until I was asleep, then I was up again so soon it felt as if I didn't sleep at all. So bear with me as I ramble on...I'm keeping it real with my thoughts today.

I want to take a quick moment and shout from the rooftop that H&M is a great place to get some seriously cute clothes on a even more serious budget. Right now my budget lends about 5-10$ for clothes...not kidding. So when I pranced into H&M to help Dan find some nice pants I spotted this skirt for 5$. What the what?! I snagged it and have every intention on letting people know I paid 5$ for this insanely cute which I hope to get away with wearing it every other day. What do you think?

In other news, our summer has been flying by so fast I can barely keep up. We've been to the beach and back nearly a thousand times. Each time I swear Ryan looks bigger and does different things. I'm trying to savor each moment as best I can. The way he talks, walks, everything! Sometimes Dan and I sit and just stare at him. He is getting so big, my heart is excited and sad all at the same time. Do you feel the same way about your growing littles?

This past weekend I faced a fear of mine. The ocean. I do love me some time on the beach, though I never go past the waves that break on the fear of being lunch for a hungry shark. I've heard way to many horror stories about shark attacks, jellyfish stings, sting ray stingers and whatever else that lurks in the ocean. However, we took out some stand-up paddle boards and for whatever reason I agreed and really took my butt out there! I was afraid the whole time, but gave it all to God and trusted he wouldn't let a shark get me that afternoon. Which obviously he didn't....and now I want to do it again. Anyone want to join?
