Chocolate Coconut Banana Pops


Since it has literally been scorching here in Los Angeles I've started making frozen pops again. I bought myself these frozen pop molds from Crate & Barrel last year and have fallen in love with creating various frozen treats. I like to get creative, but usually all my frozen pops include bananas because I always buy way to many at one time.

Two weeks ago I made these pops for a play date Ryan and I were hosting and they were a total hit! Anything chocolate and banana is a hit really, but I always feel like a rock star when my son and his friends devour what I make them.

Here is how I made my most recent frozen treat...

What You Need

(makes 3-4 pops)

-popsicle molds

-6-8 ripe bananas

-1 cup coconut milk

-2 tablespoons cocoa powder

-You can add 1 tablespoon of raw sugar...but the coconut milk adds enough sweetness for us. That is the beauty of making your own sweet treats! You can control the amount of sugar.

What You Do

-peel, cut and freeze bananas (Freeze over night if you can)

-once bananas are frozen, use a blender and blend with cocoa powder until smooth. The texture should look like ice cream.

-Put banana/cocoa "ice cream" mixture in a bowl and slowly mix in coconut milk.

-Start pouring your banana/cocoa coconut milk mixture into the molds.

-I also added layers of sliced bananas to the molds for a little texture.

-It is best to freeze these puppies over night. If you don't freeze over night, the pops might come out of the molds a little wonky.

The best part is that there really is no rhyme or reason to making frozen pops. You can basically freeze any combination and come out delicious.

Also, the boys were painting with chalk paint hence the body paint look. If you are interested in the chalk paint, it is extremely easy and extremely fun. Just mix corn starch, water and a couple drops of food coloring. Mix until it resembles paint. I used muffin tins as a paint pallet.

Have Fun!
