Mila's Ice Pop Adventure - Bubbly Lemon Lime

It is time to add another recipe to Mila's Ice Pop Adventure series! This week we created the easiest and most refreshing ice pop ever. I think this may be my all time favorite right now. This specific ice pop is so yummy and satisfies my late night snack cravings. Also, (and this is idea is obviously for adults only) this ice pop recipe would taste pretty dang good with a few shots of tequila and a dash of agave sweetener mixed in too!! ;)

For this ice pop recipe we used one of our most favorite beverages LaCroix, plus added some real fruit juice to brighten things up. Mila loves LaCroix so much and right now she refers to it as "bubbles" which I love. This recipe and blog post are not sponsored by LaCroix, we just adore them so much! I love them mostly because its a refreshing drink that has no bad stuff in it. It is just sparkling water with subtle natural flavors which is why I let Mila have some whenever I drink it. Anyways, for this recipe we use the lemon flavor but you could use pretty much any flavor you'd like. 

This ice pop seriously takes seconds to put together and I love getting Mila involved with pouring and squeezing the lemons. As you can tell from the photos below, things can get pretty messy! Though the messes can be cleaned, the memories last a lifetime. We've loved creating ice pop recipes for you all to enjoy with your family. I'm hoping you bookmark your favorites to make when Summer fully arrives. If you've missed the last few recipes you can find them here and here. I've also linked my own popsicle cooking kit down below if you are interested! My own popsicle kit comes with five silicon popsicle molds and a few recipes as well. 

Have fun making your frozen treats! Stay Tuned next week for a brand new ice pop recipe! 

Photos by Lily Ro Photography 


  • Prep time: 5 minutes

  • Cook time: 6 hours or overnight

  • Servings: About 6 Ice Pops


  • 2 lemons

  • 2 limes

  • 1/2 tablespoon lemon zest

  • 1 teaspoon lime zest

  • 1 can of Lemon Flavored LaCroix Water

  • Ice Pop Mold (an ice tray if you have extra liquid left over after filling your molds)

*This makes about 2 cups of liquid so you'll be able to fill up at least 6 ice pops, thought it depends on your mold and how many it can etc. If you have left over liquid, pour it into an ice tray and use for drinks! *We use LaCroix sparkling water for this, though you can use what ever kind you prefer. I like LaCroix the best because it has just has water and natural flavors in it.



You'll want to start by gathering your ice pop mold and all its parts. This way when it is time to pour your liquid you have everything ready and aren't searching for lids etc. 


Next you'll zest your lemon and lime. Use a microplane or the fine side of a cheese grater to rub the zest off the lemon and lime. Be sure to only zest the first layer of the lemon and lime peel. Once you see white stop immediately. The white part of the peel is really bitter. 


With either your hands, a handheld juicer or regular juice machine, squeeze the juice from your two lemons and limes. I like to strain the juice through a mesh strainer to get rid of any seeds and pulp. Doing this also makes for a nice smooth ice pop. 


In an easy to pour container add your lemon and lime juice and the LaCroix sparkling water. Next stir in the lemon and lime zest. 


Pour your lemon lime liquid into your ice pop molds. Be sure to leave at least a 1/4 of an inch of room in the ice pop molds! This is important because the sparkling water will expand when frozen. Also when pouring your liquid into the ice pop molds, do it very slowly so the liquid doesn't bubble up and spill out. 


Freeze your Bubbly Lemon Lime Ice Pops in the freezer for up to six hours or over night. 


Once fully frozen enjoy! These keep in your freezer for up to two weeks. 
