That Bittersweet Taste Of Parenthood


I’m sure you’ve guessed after seeing baby Maya standing all on her own in my Instagram Stories that our girl can walk now! I was waiting to share only because up until a few days ago she was still crawling some. And I was savoring every last ounce of her crawling. But now, now she is walking all over and has no time to crawl. It nearly feels like she never crawled, the time just goes by so dang fast! The only way I can explain what I feel is bittersweet.

What a joy it is to watch your baby grow and learn new things! Pride oozes from every part of my body when my kids learn to say “Mama”, clap their hands, or start identifying body parts. All day we ask “Where is your belly? Yay! Where are your feet? Good job!” Constantly we are trying to teach Maya new things and when she does it so exciting! And I then I cry because it feels like life is in the fast lane. Things are happening so fast, half of me wants to keep her my baby forever. It is all so sweet when she takes those first few steps. She’ll loose her balance and softly tumbled down. Immediately she gets back up and tries again. Sweet walking victory! But I also I taste a bit bitter as I watch my baby walk away from me. I miss her fresh newborn smell and the way her legs would curl up in a swaddle. It is all so bittersweet.


Maya is now nearly 15 months! Her older brother AND sister didn’t walk until they were 18 months. I always say I have late walkers, but maybe they just knew Mom wanted a little more time before they took that next step. I think Maya is learning things so fast because she wants to keep up with Mila! Maybe Mila would have been the same had her older brother been physically here with her. Gosh, when I think back about baby Mila I feel tears burning through my eyes. I can’t believe my girl is five years old, when it seems like she was taking her first steps just the other day! The time, it goes by fast. I desperately try to savor every ounce of my time with my babies. I feel so excited for what is to come, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad leaving the past behind. It is that bittersweet taste of parenthood. Do you know what I mean?
