Bread Snakes! A Fun Twist On A Dinner Roll.

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I love these simple Bread Snake Twists! I make things really simple by using store bought pizza dough to whip these up and our family loves them. They make a great side to any soup or a fun alternative to the standard dinner roll. Take a look below to see how I put these together …

Snake Bread Twists

What You Need

Pre-made pizza dough

1 egg

2 tbs sesame seeds

1-2 drops of green food color

edible black marker *optional to draw the eyes

What You Do

-Start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees.

-Roll out your dough into about 2 inch wide and five inch long logs

-Use a pizza cutter or knife and slice each log up the center, save for an inch at the top for the snake head.

-Twist the two cut pieces. Repeat until each log is twisted.

-In a small bowl add the green food color to the sesame seeds and stir to coat.

-In another small bowl whisk an egg and then brush the egg onto each twisted log.

-Sprinkle the green sesame seeds on top each one. The egg will help the sesame seeds stick as well as give it a nice crisp outside.

-Bake the bread snakes until golden and cooked through.

-Once cooled add two black dots on each one for the eyes and enjoy!

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