Simple Milk Chocolate Shakes Made Special


One of my favorite things to enjoy during the winter is hot chocolate. I’ve tried to have Mila share in my love for hot chocolate but, she only likes things cold. As a ton of toddlers do. We’ve had to blow on salad before because it was “too hot.” To me, chocolate milk doesn’t really have the same novelty as a piping hot cup of hot cocoa piled high with marshmallows. So I decided to blend up “frozen hot chocolate” which is just a simple chocolate milk shake. We made them one weekend back in December and they soon became a new holiday tradition to indulge in. Who doesn’t love a good chocolate milk shake? To make them special we added extra whipped cream to the bottom of the cups and topped them with marshmallows. (Plus a little M&M’s and candy canes for extra holiday flare ;)

We shot these photos on December 5th. I was about six weeks pregnant here, feeling so sick but so extremely happy! I was planning to share but felt so sick and far removed from any blogging or social posts. I’m happy to post them now and have them as a sweet memory of that short time where we were pregnant during the holidays. As most of you know now, we lost that sweet baby two days before Christmas. I’ll share more about that experience soon. After sharing about our miscarriage on social media the out pour of love and support has been outstanding. Unfortunately a lot of us have experienced a miscarriage and I’m happy to share my story and help anyone who is feeling pain and sadness over such an imense loss.

Back to these milkshakes! I wasn’t going to share these since I had planned them for the holidays. Though milk shakes are tasty whenever. I thought I’d share now and hopefully you and your little ones can make these together soon as a special treat. It is so fun to surprise them with a fun dessert one night or use them as a celebratory treat for heading back to school in the new year.

This is how we made ours…

-First pour your milk into your blender. We use 1/2 cup of almond milk. I love using almond milk in milkshakes because it gives a nice nutty flavor. Any kind of milk works though!

-Next add in any additional flavors you’d like into your shake. You can add malt powder, chocolate chips, chocolate cookies, peanut butter. For our chocolate milkshakes we keep it pretty simple and skip this part. However, my husband Dan always requests a peanut butter chocolate milkshake. This is when I’d add in a tablespoon of peanut butter.

-Then I add about four and half scoops of ice cream. If you like a thicker milkshake you can more an extra scoop of ice cream. (Keep in mind about four scoops of ice cream makes enough for two milkshakes. If you are just making one, cut the milk down to a 1/4 cup and just use two scoops of ice cream)

-Then blend until smooth. If things aren’t blending smooth just add in a bit more milk.

-Pour into a glass and top with your whipped cream or marshmallows. For a fun twist we like to add whipped cream into our glasses and then pour our milkshake on top. It is pretty tasty.

-Milkshakes are a great canvas for your family to get creative. Set out some options for flavors to be blended in and options for toppings so everyone can customize their own.

If you make milk shakes soon, let me know! Thank you to everyone who has sent such kind messages our way these last few days. I have the best online community anyone could have ever asked for. I consider you all my friends and I’m so sincerely happy to be here and share my heart with you all.

Have a great weekend!

Photos by Lily Ro Photography
