New Year. New Adventures!

Every year we all fall victim to making a resolution list and most of us make promises of "This year I am really going to stick to it!" It really does feel refreshing to establish resolutions and if anything they get us excited about the impending year ahead. A lot can happen in a year, why not this or that? These past weeks have been an emotional whirlwind. I've been feeling things so fiercely with the holidays, missing my son, celebrating my daughters first holiday, her first birthday and now heading into our fourth year with out Ryan. All of it has taken a toll on me and my husband thinks I'm crazy. Though, he gets it most out of anyone. Together we weathered the past weeks and now we are feeling a bit anew. Ready to make resolutions and if anything have the most fun trying to achieve them. If your resolutions stress you out, then maybe this isn't the year it was meant to be. Or maybe it is and you need to jump on and tackle it! I hope your resolutions over all are goals that make you wise, more experienced. I hope they gather your loved ones. I hope they seal friendships and make new ones. Just know that from the beginning, you are enough. You are good all ready. Your resolutions should be helpful stepping stones in creating you into a stronger self, not a make or break situation that makes you feel guilty if not reached.

Try creating a fun list of small resolutions that can grow in the midst of 2017. Goals that can ebb and flow with the year ahead. Set yourself up for success and have fun no matter what. Try and see the good in everything. Make a conscious effort to be happy no matter the downpour you are faced with now or in the future. I am 100% saying all this as a reminder for myself. I need to repeat these things in my head to give me the gas to keep going. Hopefully these words resonate with another out there too.

Below are a few resolutions I have made for myself and my family.

Happy New Year Friends!

#1 Do New Things Locally.

Dan and I travel a lot and we do make adventure a top priority. Though lately we've done a lot of repeat things locally. We live in Los Angeles close to most everything and there is truly a lot to see and do that we haven't yet. So this year we have adopted the term 'Weekend Warriors' and will try and hit up a spot close to home we've yet to. Things that fall into that are restaurants, hikes, museums and any other random city activity we can find. Cheers to new things!

#2 Nail Down A Work Routine. #bemoreORGANIZED

Since Dan and I started to work from home/for ourselves we have been doing a ton of adjusting. It has been mostly scary plus extremely rewarding but 2016 was struggle city. The struggles came from not using a calendar, not communicating our work schedules with each other and just getting used to the fact that, wait, we are in charge here. I started Baby Boy Bakery Kids last year and Dan started Saldana Fitness which is his own personal training business. Together we are happier than ever, but let's be real this life is all new and we need to be more organized. So that my friends is one of our goals this year - to be more organized, create work hours for ourselves, communicate our schedules better and by god USE A DAMN CALENDAR.

#3 Be More Clean.

I never understood the reason my mother yelled at us every morning to make our beds before getting ready. Why?! I'm going to sleep in it again tonight. Or why clean up Mila's toys when she will tornado through them again come morning? The answer is simple. You'll feel better and actually be more productive. I've found that I perform better within a clean home. Having a clean home is actually pretty tough. Just having Mila around and I struggle. How do mamas of 3+ little ones keep it all together? Having a cleaning lady is obviously out of the picture and budget so it is up to me and whenever Dan gets a wild hair to vacuum. He really is cute when he tries. Am I the only mom who has to clean herself because "No, you are doing it wrong!!!" Anyways, I've started to use a cleaning schedule where I clean one thing each day (mop, dust, toilets etc) and do a load of laundry every other day. It actually is working out great just five days in. My mom also used to say "It takes 7 days to develop and nail down a routine" So I have two days left and I'm golden. ;) Realistically, I will try my best and not beat myself up if my house turns into a pig pen a for a few days. A messy house means it is being lived in right?!

#4 Take more adventures.

This one is simple and is our family goal each year. Take more adventures. Last year we went camping, took two weeks off from reality in Hawaii, Dan held his first bootcamp class and I designed new products! Adventures I think are anything that offer excitement with a light layer of fear. They push our boundaries and force us to grow. They can be fun, scary and even hard work. Though the outcome is always for the better. This year we have vowed to take more adventures including travel, work projects and being open to change. Viewing most everything as an adventure awaiting to be experienced.

#5 Coupons.

This resolution was actually the first I wanted to tackle and nail down. I've never really used coupons and I'm an idiot for not. I began this week and just in one trip I saved $36.82! On things like toilet paper, toothpaste and Dan's shampoo. The money I could have saved last year kills me. But 2017 will be my year of grocery savings because why not!? Coupons are easy and stackable sometimes!! I know I am new to this. My mother in law is a coupon wizard and has taught me a few things. I'm asking for a coupon case for my birthday. I'm diving head first guys. Hopefully you don't stand behind me in line, I take forever now.

#6 I. Love. You.

The last half of 2016 went by like a blur. I felt like since coming back down to reality after our trip to Hawaii things never really settled down. Dan and I became so busy and most days we would high five each other in passing. We would take turns spending time with Mila while the other had things to do plus work. We forgot to emotionally support each other. Meaning we were supporting each other and our efforts to getting things done. Though we fell quite and rarely declared our love. I know that might sounds crazy, but I need that declaration otherwise I start to crumble and act crazy. I need to hear "I Love You. You are doing do good" from my husband. I need it for my heart. My husband needs it too, even though he wouldn't admit it. Relationships are hard. Marriage is hard and takes a lot of work. Dan and I and the life we have been through together thus far is hard! We struggle sometimes and a little I. Love. You. goes far. Together we are making a commitment to tell each other "I love you" more. To tell each other what we need and just love on each other more. To stop and really look at us and what we are doing. What we have done. It is pretty incredible and I am so proud of us.
