Why You Have To Download Clickher!


Recently I’ve become obsessed with a new to me app that is insanely inspiring! Clickher has to be the neatest app I’ve seen/used in a long while. I’ve been friends with the internet and all the most popular social media apps for 10+ years and I have to say, Clickher has all the best qualities we all love with zero fuss. Listen up …

Clickher is a super-curated beauty and fashion app powered by a diverse team of real women from all around the USA. I saw beauty and fashion but Clickher also features home decor and even holiday and useful wellness content.The Clickher team of curators search the web and social networks for the latest styles, tips and trends every day and then shares their best discoveries through quick posts on the Clickher app.

The absolute best part, and what legit sets Clickher above other social platforms is that it’s an algorithm -free feed! YES. Clickher is an algorithm-free feed that features fresh, up to date content produced by creators who are often overlooked by big search engines.


So you might be asking, “What does this mean?!” Clickher highlights little known creators you might miss in the flood of social feeds. Essentially, you get great advice from real people that wouldn’t normally make it to the top of your feed. Which I find so refreshing! Clickher shows me new people, with new to me content.

What I’ve found while using Clicker is that the app replaces that mindless scrolling on social media vibe that is filled with irrelevant suggestions. With Clickher I get to see actual posts that interest and inspire me. I also like that if you enjoy someones post and click on it for more information, it will take you to their platform, or website post. You end up finding out new creators that way which I think is awesome.

Some Clickher Tips! You can filter your Clickher feed to only show you what you are currently interested in. Which is helpful when you are on the hunt for home decor inspiration or Summer beauty products. You can filter the Clickher feed so it only shows you topics you want vs everything else.

One of my favorites is the Clickher ‘My Favs’ feed. You can favorite certain posts as you browse through Clicker and as you favorite the posts it will file them away so it will be easier to refer back to later on. You can filter the Clickher feed to only show you your favorites and you can even filter your favorites! When you filter your favorites, you only see what you truly are in the mood to see. Which for me, makes for a more productive time on my phone. I actually get to see the things I am inspired by vs getting bogged down with everything else.

So, for example. Say you want to see all your outfit posts that you have added to your favorites. But you’ve also added so many other posts that have nothing to do with outfit ideas to your favorites. Well, you can filter your favorites list to only show you the fashion posts! This way you end up only looking at what you are truly in the mood to look at!

I religiously check Clickher when I want inspiration on outfit ideas, home decor and beauty products. More recently I’ve been loving the Clickher wellness posts as well. I highly recommend you download Clickher and give it try!

CLICK HERE to download Clickher! Or download Clickher from the Apple app or Google Play store and let me know what you think!