Make Your Own Moon Sand With 2 Ingredients


We are still keeping busy at home and recently made our own pink moon sand! It kept a certain little redhead busy for a long while and I even had some fun with it! This play moon sand is super soft and your kids can use their hands, little cups, or spoons to mold it into different formations. It feels quite good actually within your fingers, even somewhat soothing! We keep ours in a large tub with a lid and it stays good for up to two weeks. Since this moon sand only takes two ingredients you can make it as often or as much as you’d like! Find out how below …

Play Moon Sand

What You Need; two 10 oz. bottles of shaving cream, two 16 oz. boxes of corn starch, a large plastic tub. Ok so I guess this would be three ingredients because if you want to color the moon sand then add about 10-15 drops of food color.

What You Do

-In a large plastic tub pour in your corn starch.


-Now add in your shaving cream!


-Use a large spoon or your hand to mix up the two ingredients. This takes a bit of patience since, it will take a couple minutes to combine the two together. You might have better using your hand to mix the two together.

-If you want to color your moon sand then add in about 10-15 drops of food color to the mixture before the shaving cream gets fully mixed in.

-Keep mixing (it is best to start mixing with your hand) until a sandy texture forms.


-You’ll know it is ready when you can form it into shapes with your hand or utensils.

-Then it is ready to play with!


And because I’m all about trying to work in a learning aspect into everything we do … Mila and I use our moon sand to practice our letters and numbers! I’ll write a letter or number on a dry erase board and then Mila using her pointer finger to write them out in the sand.

You can also make it a sensory bin but adding small toys and such into it have your little ones go digging for them.

Get creative and have fun! Happy Weekend Friends!
